Group Progression at Gateway
Mini Groovers and Groovers
Our Mini Groovers (Reception - Year 2) and Groovers (Year 3-6) are children who attend out groups and are the youngest of our wonderful team.
They try to help each other, and be kind and helpful in everything they do at Gateway, but also at home.

Focus Sceme (Green Tops 11+)
Focus is the name given to the young people who attend our groups, and who want to learn how to help out with all things at Gateway.
They are generally aged 11-14 but can stay in Focus for as long as they want. If it's wanted, we can follow a programme with them to build up a portfolio of achievements - we do small amounts of training such as young teens first aid, entry level health and safety, what classifications mean, how to cross the road safely, fire evacuation training and lots more.
Focus group runs through all the groups and provisions that we have. It involves lots of self evaluation, and setting achievable targets - the degree of engagement in the scheme is dependant on the young person. Those on the Focus scheme are able to stay on the the programme indefinitely - however, the majority transfer to Stepping Out, or our Small Steps programme.
Stepping Out (14+)
Stepping Out is a term-time group, for young people with a disability or barrier to learning, who are in college or Further Education (often up to age 25 if they have a disability), or are Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET).
There is a huge need for this group due to a lack of funding for the colleges - many young people with disabilities or barriers to learning aren't able to go to college.
The group is small, but we have a long waiting list - this now includes young people who have been failed by mainstream school and taken off roll, and so now don't have access to any education. The project aims to meet the individual needs of these young people in terms of building their confidence, supporting them to do alternative qualifications, and learn independence skills, through peer mentoring and community activities.
The programme can be accessed by Short Breaks.

Holiday Stepping Out
Stepping Out in the Holidays is aimed at young people aged 15 years and over, and where possible is staffed by young people under 25 years old.
IT's all about learning to do things for themselves, learning to be part of a group, planning their own programmes and activities, and then reviewing them, including assessing risks and building planning skills.
This was something that young people were able to access as a Short Break from Durham County Council, and started out as a more appropriate alternative than the young people taking part in a children's holiday club.